I can look back on 2005 and be glad it came, and glad it went. It was a very good year and a year of great learning and growing. I wouldn't trade the year for anything different.
- I was able to finish my studies at SMU's ACEC. Still studying for tests though.
- God blessed me with a beautiful daughter who is healthy and stealing my heart a little more each day.
- The Lord provided me with a decent living with a company that is very good to it's employee's.
- Through the Ministries of Bro Stringfellow and Pastor Pixler, I feel like the Lord has stirred me to do more than I have before and to be less slothful in my devotion to the Lord. 2006 will be the testing of that stirring.
- God took care of my family when we didn't know what to do or where to go... he was always right on time.
- My wife and I are closer than ever before.
I can't list everything, but each of the above (in no particular order) are very bright highlights of the year. Of course there are several other highlights that stand out just as much, but because they are so personal, I cannot write about them.
Many thanks to those who have helped my family through this year. I hope I may one day be a blessing to others as so many have been a blessing to me this past year.
- I hope to be a more considerate husband.
- I hope to be granted wisdom on raising my child to be Christ like.
- I hope to grow in Gods word with more time dedicated to it than ever before.
- I hope to see God continue to give increase as we plant and water in the Hispanic work.
- I hope to be fluent in Spanish.
And so many more. Call them new years resolutions if you want, but I believe God is going to help in these goals.
God bless.