Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Pastor


When you stop and try and define the roll of a Pastor, all the descriptions have the implications of the sacrifices the man of God makes on behalf of those he is leading. Many of us have had moments of divine intervention when our Pastor spoke to us personally in words that brought a heavenly peace in time of great trouble. Its like a soothing balm on a deep wound. Or perhaps we can recall the times when the words our Pastor spoke to us brought to birth the call of God that has taken you to where you are today. I can’t speak for all of you, but I need a lot of grace. I can remember times when God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness were mediated to me, and I was able to accept it because my Pastors words that were fitly spoken.

The bible says, “What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” Sometimes the ‘mist’ is more like a tornado whirling us about into confusion. And somehow even in those times, he is able to have a ‘peace be still’ effect on us with principles of wisdom and sound direction.

All the things I have described cannot be done on a whim. What I mean is, a Pastor is personally invested in each and every one in his flock. We as humans are not infinite in our resources to support and lead others. It’s like any mother who would lay down her life for her children because she loves them so much. If asked at the end of a long day she will admit it takes a toll on her as she looks to take care of her family. If we stop and think about it, our Pastors investment in us comes at a cost to him. The concern, prayers, words of wisdom, personal guidance, diligent study and delivery of the Word of God… we are the beneficiaries of the sacrifices our Pastors make to help lead us as we lead our families and change the world.

If you have ever decided to take someone and be a help and a support to them for a long period of time, you know that there is a cost, though maybe not financially but very real, to helping people. A Pastor has decided to take on each of us, our babies we hold dear, our victories and defeats and invest his life in seeing us be used by God. You can’t put a price on that kind of sacrifice.

So, be sure and show your appreciation to your Pastor. The next time you feel like grumbling about the way someone is involved or something didn't get done, remember how much he is investing personally in you and yours.